The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Violate Them at Your Own Risk

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While it’s not a long read, this book really does offer up the laws of marketing. This read dovetails nicely with just about any book on branding, I wish more designers and creatives read it. The ideas in the book aren’t especially novel, but they do provide a certain foundation of understanding for this kind of work. The laws in the book just make sense. A few favourites:

2. The Law of the Category
If you can’t be first in a category, set up a new category you can be first in.

5. The Law of Focus
The most powerful concept in marketing is owning a word in the prospect’s mind.

13. The Law of Sacrifice
You have to give up something in order to get something.

18. The Law of Success
Success often leads to arrogance, and arrogance to failure.

Buy this book.

The Lamborghini Experience

Naturally, I can’t comment on the whole of the Lamborghini experience, but I really loved this collection of images I found entitled “This is how you will get your Lamborghini.” Ritual and ceremony play a huge part in creating a meaningful brand experience, and there’s something to be said about needing a crane on-hand for you to receive your motorcar.

15 Years VIB

I first noticed this work over on the Soon Behance Portfolio, but their own site does a better job showing off this work. There are really two things I feel about this work:

  1. This work is not my style. At all.
  2. I am terribly jealous of it.

Soon has done a terrific job of developing a fresh concept for this brand, and has applied that concept really well. Kudos.

Here are some more shots of the work: